Twitch is thé platform to watch live content. From gaming to cooking to hitch-hiking, there is an endless amount of live streams to watch, and even more are added every day. We’ll tell you everything you need to know about this exciting platform! Read more
Published on: 26-05-2021It’s almost impossible to have missed this colorful game, which is immensely popular among gamers of all ages worldwide. But if you’re an absolute Fortnite Newbie, you might be wondering “What exactly is this Fortnite stuff all about?!” Luckily, you can rely on us to give you some guidance in the wonderful world of Fortnite and everything this game has to offer! Read more
Published on: 04-05-2021Easter Eggs in games, you have probably noticed them while playing. Pretty much every form of digital entertainment has some sort of Easter Egg hidden. Exactly that hiding is how this seemingly random phenomenon got its name! Often, it is a small wink or a reference, but it can also be a completely hidden level or a special quest. Read more
Published on: 14-04-2021