Are you a book lover and want to buy an eBook or audiobook? Or do you want to give the perfect gift to someone who loves reading? Order a Kobo gift card at Startselect. You'll receive your digital Kobo book voucher immediately via email!
Benefits of Buying a Kobo Gift Card? Here they are!
Access to thousands of eBooks, from bestsellers to niche genres
Ideal as a last-minute gift due to fast delivery
Perfect gift for every bookworm
Why buy Kobo gift cards at Startselect?
At Startselect, you can purchase gift cards with secure payment methods like Klarna, Apple Pay, and credit card. After completing your payment, you receive the code directly on your screen and in your inbox. This way, you can start using it right away!
Code directly in your inbox
No credit card needed
100% valid codes
Frequently Asked Questions about Kobo Gift Cards
Do you have questions about Kobo or our gift cards? Check if your question is listed below. If not, you can contact our customer service! They're available 24/7.
Kobo, or Rakuten Kobo is an online bookstore where you can buy eBooks, audiobooks, e-readers and tablets. In the online Kobo Store you can choose from more than 5 million titles. Besides that you can find all types of eBooks and audiobooks you can think of. In the Kobo Store you can pay with Kobo gift cards.
The Kobo gift card is an online gift card that allows you to quickly and easily top up your Kobo balance, which you can then use to make purchases in the online book store. You can also use your Kobo balance to purchase Kobo Plus. At Startselect, you have the choice of the following Kobo gift cards:
Ready to take your Kobo e-reader to the next level? Go for Kobo Plus! As a Kobo Plus member, you instantly gain access to more than 270.000 e-books and roughly 20.000 audiobooks. Find your favorite bestsellers or try out new authors based on your genre preferences. You can use Kobo’s massive library unlimitedly so get comfortable and start hitting the books! Use Kobo Plus on your Kobo e-reader, smartphone or tablet and read up to 15 different books simultaneously on 5 different devices. Kobo Plus is perfect for bookworms that like to read at least one book a month!
Use our Kobo gift cards to subscribe to one of three Kobo Plus subscriptions:
Kobo Plus Read: grants access to the full selection of e-books
Kobo Plus Listen: grants access to the full selection of audiobooks
Kobo Plus Read & Listen: grants access to all e-books and audiobooks
Once you have ordered the Kobo gift card and you have completed the payment, you will receive your digital code on your screen and in your email box immediately after purchase. You can always find your Kobo gift card in your Startselect account under the heading "Order history". After receiving the code on your screen, you can redeem the Kobo gift card in the Kobo Shop and purchase your favorite eBook or audiobook.
Have you bought a Kobo gift voucher? Then you can easily exchange the Kobo card during the checkout of your chosen eBook or audiobook in the online Kobo Shop. The remaining amount will be added to your Kobo credit. You can redeem your Kobo gift card in the following steps.
Click on "Yes" at the question: "Do you have a gift card?"
Enter your received digital code
Click on apply
Your Kobo credit will now be deducted directly from the total price. Once you have completed the order you can immediately start reading or listening to your favorite stories.
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