Get your Thalia voucher online at Startselect and explore the vast selection of books at Thalia, Mayersche, and Osiander stores. Our Thalia voucher codes are instantly delivered and can be redeemed both online and offline.
Thalia voucher
Variable Thalia gift card
Discover an endless book collection with a Thalia voucher
With a Thalia voucher, you can dive straight into a world of books. Whether you're into fiction, non-fiction, bestsellers, or classics, Thalia has something for every reader. Pick up an official Thalia gift card at Startselect and enjoy a fantastic new read today.
Can be used both in stores and online
Redeemable at Thalia, Mayersche and Osiander
Choose your own value between 15€ and 150€
Why buy Thalia vouchers at Startselect?
Startselect is an official Thalia partner. As a result, you’ll always receive a 100% valid Thalia voucher code that is delivered instantly via email. Choose one of our safe payment methods like Klarna, PayPal or Apple Pay.
What are you waiting for? Start, select, read!
Code instantly per email
No credit card needed
100% valid codes
Frequently asked questions about our Thalia vouchers
Have questions about our Thalia vouchers? Check out our FAQ section for more information. If you need further assistance, our friendly customer service team is always ready to help you with any questions or issues related to your Thalia gift card.
You can buy 100% official Thalia voucher codes online at Startselect. Simply select the Thalia gift card of your choice, and proceed to checkout. Once your purchase is complete, you will receive your Thalia code instantly via email. It’s that simple!
You can redeem your Thalia voucher both online at and offline at Thalia, Mayersche, and Osiander stores. This way, you can always conveniently use your Thalia credit.
Redeeming your Thalia gift card is easy. You can redeem your voucher both online and in-store.
Select your desired items and place them in your shopping cart.
Navigate to the “Check & order” purchase overview.
Under, “Redeem gift cards or voucher codes”, enter the card number (17 digits) and your PIN (four digits).
Click on “Redeem”.
Your gift card value will be used for your current order. If the shopping cart value exceeds the current value on your Thalia gift card, you’ll be asked to enter an additional payment method.
Offline in a Thalia, Mayersche or Osiander store:
Present your Thalia voucher at checkout.
The value of your voucher will be deducted from your total purchase amount.
Thalia gift cards will expire after three years from the end of the year in which the card was last used. This means you have ample time to discover new books at Thalia, as long as you use your card once every three years.
You can check your current Thalia voucher balance online at any time:
Your country selection will ensure that we offer the correct products and payment methods. Please ensure that it corresponds to your country and to the account(s) on which you are planning to redeem the product.