Ti piace leggere libri e vorresti acquistare un eBook o un audiolibro? Oppure vuoi fare il regalo perfetto a qualcuno che ama leggere? Ordina una Kobo gift card direttamente da Startselect. Startselect è un rivenditore ufficiale di Kobo gift card, quindi hai la certezza assoluta di ricevere un codice funzionante.
Kobo, or Rakuten Kobo, is an online bookstore where you can buy eBooks, audiobooks, eReaders, and tablets. The Kobo Store online has over 5 million titles to choose from. Plus, you can find every type of eBook and audiobook you can think of. The Kobo Store accepts Kobo gift cards.
The Kobo gift card is an online credit card that allows you to top up your Kobo credit quickly and easily. At Startselect you can choose between Kobo gift cards of 10 CHF, 20 CHF and 40 CHF.
You can use your Kobo gift card to top up your Kobo credit for purchases on the Kobo Store online. With over 5 million titles to choose from, from literature to thrillers to biographies, Kobo has something for everyone. And anyone who loves to read will find the perfect eBook or audiobook. What's your next book? Order it directly from Startselect with a Kobo gift card.
Once you have ordered your Kobo gift card and completed the payment, you will receive your digital code on your screen and in your email, immediately after purchase. You can always find your Kobo gift card in your Startselect account, under "Order history". Once you have received the code on your screen, you can redeem your Kobo gift card in the Kobo Store and purchase your favorite eBook or audiobook.
Have you purchased a Kobo gift card? Then simply exchange your Kobo card when paying for your chosen eBook or audiobook on the Kobo Online Store. The remaining amount will be added to your Kobo credit. You can redeem your Kobo gift card by following the steps below.
Click "Yes" to the question: "Do you have a gift card?"
Enter the digital code you received
Click on "Apply"
The total price will then be deducted directly from your Kobo credit. Once your order is complete, you can immediately start reading or listening to your favorite stories.
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