
Super Smash Bros.™ Ultimate - Sora Challenger Pack

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Sora from the KINGDOM HEARTS series joins the battle! His colour variations give you several options from the original games. Keep opponents at bay with three types of Magic, or take advantage of Sora's exceptional airborne potential, and pursue victory from the air!
The new stage Hollow Bastion features a floating platform that will travel around the castle. Towards the end of the battle, the background will change to a dark stage with floating stained glass.
There are nine music tracks that will invoke memories of adventures with Sora. Be sure to check out the fanfare that was arranged especially for this game!

This DLC Challenger Pack includes    
・ Fighter: Sora
・ Stage: Hollow Bastion
・ Music: 9 tracks (*1) (*2)
・ Smash tag icons: 3
・ Spirits: Sora, Sora (KINGDOM HEARTS II), Sora (KINGDOM HEARTS 3D [Dream Drop Distance]), Sora (KINGDOM HEARTS III), Sora (Timeless River) (*3)
・ Spirit Board additions: Other spirits from the KINGDOM HEARTS series that were added in Ver. 13.0.0. (*4) (*5)

*1 Can be found in Vault → Sounds after purchase.
*2 If you have play data for KINGDOM HEARTS Melody of Memory on your console, the song Dearly Beloved -Swing Version- will be added as a bonus, for a total of 10 tracks.
*3 Can be collected via Classic Mode or the Shop on the Vault menu after purchase.
*4 These new spirits are also available free of charge from Vault → Shop.
*5 Check the "Software update available: Ver. 13.0.0" news update for details on the new spirits.

Format: Wersja cyfrowa
Wydawca: Nintendo
Typ: Kod pobrania dostarczany e-mailem
Ważne na: Switch

pegi 12
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