You might not recognize us on your bank statement. In this article, we would like to explain everything to you. If you have any further questions after this, please do not hesitate to contact us.
About us We are Startselect, Europe's largest provider of mobile and game credits, gift cards, subscriptions and digital games. All our products are digital and are delivered immediately. We work directly with the publishers, so you can be 100% sure that you always get a working code.
Order You might have forgotten that you ever placed an order with us. You can find all your orders in your order history via your Startselect account. Creating an account is very simple and done within seconds!
Cancel and return If you want to cancel your purchase, you can easily request a refund yourself.
Refund Has an amount been refunded to you, but you have not asked for this? Our system may have automatically cancelled your order for one of the following reasons:
You have reached the weekly order limit.
We've asked you for verification but didn't receive your response within 72 hours.
Our security system found irregularities in your order, which meant that it had to be cancelled.
Payment providers We use the following payment providers, among others. So you may be able to find it on your bank statement: Adyen, Mollie, Trustly, Skrill and PayPal.
Scam Do you think you have been scammed? Check out our article in which we explain different ways of scamming and try to protect you as a customer.
Unclear Still don't recognize us on your bank statement? Please contact us and enclose a screenshot or copy of the relevant payment details. As soon as we have received this from you, we will immediately check it for you, so that we can confirm to you what the payment has been for.
PLEASE NOTE: we cannot find payments with only the date or amount of the payment!
Remarque : vous visitez actuellement Startselect France. Nos produits sont spécifiques à chaque pays et peuvent être réservés au pays actuellement sélectionné.
Vous pouvez rester sur Startselect France, ou vous rendre sur Startselect United States afin d'obtenir les produits compatibles.
Choisir une autre région
Sélectionnez votre pays et langue de préférence* :
* En sélectionnant votre pays, vous modifierez la région des produits et des moyens de paiement proposés. Si votre produit est zoné (produit fonctionnant uniquement sur un compte d'une région spécifique), assurez-vous que le pays choisi corresponde à celui de votre compte pour activer votre produit avec succès.