
Nintendo Switch Sports

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BEMÆRK: Returneringer og refunderinger er udelukket for dette produkt.

Swing, kick and spike your way to victory with Nintendo Switch Sports, a collection of sports for Nintendo Switch that puts you right into the action!

Compete in six sports, including Volleyball, Football and Bowling, with real-world movements that model your actions in the game. 

Tennis: rally by gently swinging the Joy-Con controller at the right time.

Bowling: roll the ball straight ahead, or give it a little curve.

Chambara: Knock your opponent off the platform while attacking and defending. 

Football: Use a gigantic ball to make dynamic plays. Enjoy matches with Joy-Con controllers to shoot and perform Diving Headers. By attaching a Joy-Con controller to the Leg Strap accessory (sold separately) you can play Shoot-out mode with intuitive kicking motions.

Badminton: Control your shots left and right while keeping the shuttlecock in the air. Swing left and right while keeping the shuttlecock in the air. Unleash powerful smash shots to gain the upper hand!

Volleyball: Use a Joy-Con controller to serve, bump, set, and spike the ball.

Play together in person or online with family and friends, or challenge players around the world. In addition to customising your avatar with items collected from playing online, there are all kinds of ways to have fun, such as testing your ability in the Pro League where you can try to increase your rank by winning in the different sports.

Two free software updates are planned for release in summer and autumn. The first update arriving this summer will allow you to play football matches with a Joy-Con controller and the Leg Strap accessory. The second update coming this autumn will add Golf as a new sport to the game.

Format: Digital udgave
Udgiver: Nintendo
Type: Hent kode, der er leveret via e-mail
Gyldig den: Switch

pegi 7
Et spil, der normalt vil vurderes som 3, men som indeholder nogle muligvis skræmmende scener eller lyde, kan høre til denne kategori.

Sådan bruges nummeret på Nintendo Switch, Nintendo 3DS-familjesystemerne eller Wii U:
Vælg i Nintendo eShop: ADD FUNDS, og følg anvisningerne på skærmen.

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Nintendo Switch Sports

Only compatible with Nintendo Switch. This code can only be used in the European Nintendo eShop.

To use the code, you must have access to a wireless internet connection, create or link a Nintendo Account and accept the Nintendo Account Agreement. The Nintendo Account Privacy Policy applies.

This code:
* can only be redeemed once.
* will not be replaced by Nintendo or the retailer if lost, stolen or otherwise used without your permission.

To use online services, you must create a Nintendo Account and accept the related agreement. The Nintendo Account Privacy Policy applies. Some online services may not be available in all countries.

“Nintendo Switch Sports not playable before the release date.”

This product contains technological protection measures. 
• The use of an unauthorised device or software that enables technical modification of the Nintendo Switch console or software may render this game unplayable. 
• A system update may be required to play.
Basic reading ability in one of the software languages is needed to fully enjoy this software.

Additional storage may be needed on your console for installation or software updates.

Issued by Nintendo of Europe GmbH.


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