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Garanterade koder från toppmärken.
Över 7 miljoner nöjda kunder som bara blir fler.
Allows up to eight Nintendo Accounts in a family group to use Nintendo Switch Online services, provided the accounts are set to supported countries. Family memberships can be purchased only by users over 18 years of age. (Individual memberships are available to all users within supported countries/regions.)
Enjoy competitive and co-operative online gaming with friends and rivals from all around the world in supported Nintendo Switch titles, such as Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Splatoon 2. Play classic NES games anytime, anywhere: If you join the Nintendo Switch Online paid membership service, you’ll get access to a growing library of easy to pick-up-and-play Nintendo Entertainment System titles. Pass a Joy-Con to a friend for multiplayer fun, or even play online! As long as you remain a member, you'll have access to the full line-up of games at any given time. Save Data Cloud: Securely and automatically back up your game data online for easy access. This makes it simple to retrieve your game data if you lose your Nintendo Switch console, or start using a new one.
© 2018 Nintendo Co., Ltd.
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*kan endast lösas in en gång.
*kan inte säljas på nytt, bytas ut, återbetalas eller på annat sätt utbytas mot kontanter.
*ersätts inte av Nintendo eller återförsäljare om den försvinner, blir stulen eller på annat sätt används utan ert samtycke.
Hur koden ska användas:
Välj "Lös in kod" i Nintendo eShop på en Nintendo Switch-konsol och följ instruktionerna på skärmen, eller besök den officiella webbplatsen (via en dator eller en annan enhet): https://ec.nintendo.com/redeem
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