
Shin Megami Tensei V - Return of the True Demon

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Grants access to the subquest "Return of the True Demon". In this quest, players will be able to take on and recruit the legendary nine Fiends: Matador, Daisoujou, Hell Biker, White Rider, Red Rider, Black Rider, Pale Rider, Mother Harlot, and Trumpeter. The challenge doesn't stop there, however, for upon defeating the fiends, players will then be able to challenge the strongest opponent of them all: the Demi-fiend.

*After progressing to a certain point in the game, you will then be able to begin the subquest when visiting the World of Shadows.
*The Fiends will make their appearances as you progress through the story.
*Once completed, you will not be able to fight the Fiends again, but you will have the option of fighting the Demi-fiend as many times as you want.
*Note that you cannot recruit the Demi-fiend.
*It is recommended that challenging the Fiends be attempted at sometime halfway through the game. Challenging the Demi-fiend is best attempted in the post-game.

Formaatti: Digitaalinen koodi
Julkaisija: Nintendo
Tyyppi: Latauskoodi toimitetaan sähköpostiin
Alusta: Switch

pegi 16
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