Expand your Powerstar Golf experience with a new course, a new character, new career events, and more! For beauty and challenge, few courses rival Emperor’s Garden. Blustery bays, rocky ravines and cascading creeks stand between you and the world-class greens offered within.
This item adds the following content to the game:
• The 18-hole Emperor’s Garden course
• A new golfer (Master Laoshi) to unlock, together with his Zen Focus ability
• 11 new career events to master, each with multiple goals & rewards
• Laoshi's custom gear (added to the Store)
If this is your first game pack it also unlocks all game features, allowing you to:
• Play on any course in Open Play and Local Multiplayer modes
• Challenge other players’ best rounds in Rival Mode
• Upload your own rival data for other players to challenge
• Share and borrow caddies with friends
• Unlock achievements
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