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Over 7 millioner fornøyde kunder.
1. Register an account
Go to and click 'login' at the top right corner of the website. After that, press 'Join Steam' in the middle of your screen to create your account.
2. Download Steam
Click the green button that says 'Install Steam' at the top right corner of the website, install Steam and login with with the account you created in step 1.
3. Click 'Games' at the top of your screen and select 'Activate a product on Steam'
4. Open the confirmation e-mail you received from Startselect and copy the code into the 'Product Code' box.
5. Confirm the code and install the game
6. You can access your games by clicking 'Library' at the top of your screen.
7. After the download is completed, you can enjoy your game!
© 2020 Slightly Mad Studios Limited. Published and distributed by the BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Group. Slightly Mad Studios, Project CARS, the SMS logo, and the Project CARS logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Slightly Mad Studios Limited (a Codemasters company). The names, designs, and logos of all products are the property of their respective owners and used with permission.
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