Don't feel like cooking tonight? No problem! With a Lieferando voucher, you can order food quickly and easily. Choose a Lieferando gift card and have your favorite dishes delivered to your door. Italian pizza, sushi, fries, burgers and much more, there's plenty of choice! Get your Lieferando coupon now and enjoy the most delicious meals, delivered right at your doorstep. is the best online platform for ordering food! On Lieferando, you'll find a wide range of delivery restaurants. Whether you're in the mood for Italian pizza, burgers & fries or delicious sushi, Lieferando has got you covered! Ordering is always quick and easy, wherever you are. First, you enter your address, and all restaurants in your neighborhood are shown. Next, you pick a restaurant and browse through the menu to put together the perfect meal. Ready to order? Pay cash or online and follow your order right down to your doorstep! Enjoy your meal! For each order, you also receive loyalty points that can be exchanged for discount codes for your next order or a purchase from another shop. A nice bonus of course!
With a Lieferando e-voucher you can pay for your Lieferando order quickly and easily. Immediately after you’ve bought an e-voucher, you will receive a unique code. You can enter this code during the checkout of your order. The value of your Lieferando voucher will then be deducted from the total order amount. All that’s left now is waiting for your order to arrive!
You can buy your Lieferando gift voucher at Startselect. Choose the value of your choice, pay with your favorite payment method and receive your Lieferando gift voucher directly on your screen. We offer six different Lieferando vouchers in the following denominations: €20, €25, €30, €40, €50 and €100.
You can easily redeem your new Lieferando voucher during the checkout of your order.
Redeem via your browser:
Choose the option "Voucher" during the checkout of your order.
Now select "Do you have a voucher or a coupon".
Enter the unique code you received
Click on "Check" and the Lieferando voucher will automatically be applied to your order
Redeem using your iPhone:
You can redeem your Lieferando voucher in two ways:
On the "Complete your order" page, choose the option "Add a voucher", and enter your code
Select the option "Add voucher" under "Payment methods", and enter your code
Redeem on Android devices:
Select "Do you have a voucher or coupon" among the available payment methods
Enter your unique code
Now tap "Redeem" and the discount will automatically be applied to your order
Your email address:
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